[underlined text means completed thought: added to game/almost complete]

Online state: x, y, velocity, elevation, health, color, state, gun, gun2, perks, pack?


stöð hinna dauðu Miðgarðar, Iceland

(Station of the Dead, S.H.D, /stoov heen-ha doov-(breath out)/)

Icelandic outpost

Simple, like nacht

1 player ‘communicates’ on round 45 or 50(?) in upper right hand room. Will be stuck in a (hopefully) randomly generated minigame. All handled client side, phew.

Others defend communicator, top priority until evac.

Not too many doors, 6?

leikhús dauðra Sæból, Iceland

(Theater of the Dead, L.D., /ley-koos(h) der-gh/)

Kino der toten clone/redesign

Will be more angular, Icelandic architecture.

Anelse Finalen, Norway

(translates to Slight/Clue/Hint, /ah-nl-sah/) Anelse Mansion.

Clue Mansion layout. Yeah, the board game/movie/etc.  

Layout ref: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/92/8c/08/928c08952cb5e06b7390b3b09d36aa58.jpg

Norwegian fairy tale/nord-like architecture. (Example: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b3/9f/3a/b39f3a9000bef0d43e020cb416170a17.jpg

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/Norsk_folkemuseum_-_Bur_fra_Nedre_Nisi_i_Gransherad.jpg )


Characters/Plot: (names might seems stupid, wip +real people lol. only designs are final)

stöð hinna dauðu Miðgarðar, Iceland

(Station of the Dead)

Pok (‘/muff/ or /don-ay-hew/’ muffin donahue) [CHAR 2]

Bon (Iver Bonnibelle \\ riff on iver mectin // ) [CHAR 4]

Sajin (Graham Klein or Sajin Kahn) [CHAR 1]


https://voicechanger.io/voicemaker/#!/{%22effects%22:[{%22name%22:%22telephone%22,%22params%22:{%22magnitude%22:1,%22lowPassFreq%22:2000,%22highPassFreq%22:500}}],%22version%22:1} (perk theme/etc. filter. poor quality filter.)

Guns, https://www.google.com/search?q=icelandic+guns&rlz=1CADTIH_enUS913US914&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwissNPU9I3zAhUBSDABHXEkANgQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1366&bih=665&dpr=1&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=hNDkx9qT0YdqAM

Landstad revolver

Arcade resolution: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=119278.0

Zombie math: (Source: COD Zombies Wiki)

|Note from griffpatch topdown. Make code for zombies to go around walls; possibly second priority. Call it.|


The zombies have varying speeds and movements, and some are exclusive to certain maps. These speeds are:


Zombies will only attack a player through melee attacks; they do not use weapons. Zombies can be gibbed, but will continue to attack the player even after having lost half of their limbs. Note that in-game, it is impossible to destroy a zombie's legs so that it will be forced to crawl if it is already missing an arm. Zombies will not continue to attack players who have been downed, instead continuing onwards to the next player as if the one who has been downed is not there.

Zombies typically chase after the closest player, and can be distracted by either approaching or attacking them. Alternatively, a Monkey Bomb and Lil'Arnie or a human who has been "turned" by the V-R11 will serve to divert their attention for a short time. Also, the Pack-a-Punched Crossbow, the Awful Lawton, the Pack-a-Punched Acid Gat, the Vitriolic Withering, and the Boom Box acts as a distraction weapon.

In both Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops, zombies retain some vestiges of human behavior and intelligence. They are capable of limited speech, including shouting the words "Sam" when attacking the player, or "Monkey" when presented with a Monkey Bomb. Also slower moving Nazi zombies will at times appear to march. And in Ascension, zombified Spetsnaz soldiers will sometimes roll or sidestep to avoid being shot, a battle maneuver used by the group.

According to George Barkley, humans who are in the process of becoming a zombie suffer from short-term memory loss, psychosis, delusion, and paranoia.

According to the Classified intro cutscene and various reels, when not under the control of an entity within the MPD or APD, zombies are mindless and uncoordinated. However, when under the control of an entity within the MPD or APD, zombies act as a hivemind and can be effectively controlled and given orders.


The health of zombies increases with every round. Zombies start with 150 health on Round 1, and gain 100 health every round until round 9. Upon reaching round 10, their health is given a 1.1 multiplier every round.

For example, a zombie has 550 health on Round 5, 1045 on Round 10, 2710 on Round 20, 47295 on Round 50 and 5552108 on Round 100.

Damage Multipliers

With any weapon, damage is applied to zombies. A head or neck attack will multiply weapon damage by 2.0, a chest or torso attack will multiply weapon damage by 1.5, and a limb or groin attack will multiply weapon damage by 1.0. It's recommended to use a LMG or other good high damaging/amount of ammo clip weapons and to use them when training zombies

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